Wednesday 29 January 2014

DIY knuckle ring

Hello everyone,

Who doesn't love knuckle rings? They have been one of the biggest recent trends, and I must say I probably was the only girl who didn't own any.. until this afternoon, when I decided to make one myself.

It is very easy and quick to do, and you only need a few things to make one.

I have used a golden head pin, but you can use jewellery wire too. I also used two tiny silver beads. 
The only tool you need is round nose pliers (plus cutting pliers if using jewellery wire). You may need something like a marker or a thick pen to help shape the wire. You can just shape it around your finger, but as fingers are soft you will get a smoother result if you shape it around a hard object with a thickness similar to your finger.

So after you have shaped the wire, you can slide in a couple of beads. For the ring to be comfortable and sit nicely you need really tiny beads. I chose silver, I like the contrast between gold and silver :)

At this point you need to make a little hoop at the end of the wire so the beads won't fall off. Try to make is as tiny as possible. Also if you fold it upwards like I did it won't scratch your skin.

And this is the end result! It is a lot more comfortable than I thought it would be. And it looks really cute, you don't really want big rings so close to the tip of your fingers!

Let me know if you try to make these, and share yours in the comments!

Alex x


  1. looks cute :)

  2. You make your own jewellery? That's so cool! I wish I was that creative!
    Paper Dreams and Plastic Bags

    1. It's so much fun! I love doing bracelets in particular, if you ever try to make anything let me know :) xx

  3. This is such a good idea..and way way cheaper than the rings that you can buy!! x

    flawedfairytale fashion blog

    1. Thank you! And you can make them exactly how you want them :) x

  4. This is such a great idea! I will definitely have to give this a go although I don't think my attempt will turn out as good as yours! xx

    1. It's a lot easier than it looks, if you ever try I'm sure it will look great :) xx
