Wednesday 26 February 2014

Liebster Award 2

Hello everyone!

I have been nominated for the Liebster Award again, this time by the sweet Emily. Thank you! 

The rules of this tag are:
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. 
  • Create 11 new questions
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and tag them in your post 
As I have already been nominated before, you can read the 11 facts about me here.

These are Emily's questions for me:

1. If you could take a picture of anything, what would it be?
I would love to take pictures of my dreams. Sometimes I dream really nice things and places, but they're only a dream, so it would be cool if they invented a technology to enable us to photograph our dreams.

2. Who is your favourite band?
Kings of Leon.

3. What's your favourite album?
Mmh, I don't really have one. I guess the first three Kings of Leon albums are the ones I listen to most, so I guess I'll go with those.

4. Favourite song? 
I don't really have a favourite song either, but I listen a lot to Arizona, Knocked up and Talihina Sky (obviously by KOL).

5. If you could meet anyone, who would it be? 
I'm not really interested in famous people, so I think I'll go with a great friend.

6. Your favourite thing to do.
Cuddles with my boyfriend, and exploring new places.

7. What's your favourite animal?
I love all animals, but I really want a cat.

8. What's your favourite flower?

9. What's your favourite shirt? 
I don't really wear shirts but my boyfriend gave me a denim shirt of his which I like to wear like a jacket.

10. What is your favourite clothing item?
Skinny jeans, and dresses.

11. If you were trapped on an island, what five items would you like to have with you?
The first one is not really an item lol, but I would want to have my boyfriend with me. Sunscreen because I have very pale and delicate skin, soap, a diary to keep note of the days, and a blanket.

My 11 questions for the people I tag are:
  1. Why and when did you start blogging?
  2. What's your favourite clothing item and why?
  3. Dresses or trousers?
  4. Dream job.
  5. Would you rather go to the cinema or stay home with a book?
  6. Nude lipstick or red lipstick?
  7. Do you collect anything?
  8. The city or the countryside?
  9. What can't you live without?
  10. It's your day off: would you rather lay in or get up early to work out?
  11. Favourite band/artist?
 And these are the 11 bloggers I tag:


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