Saturday 1 February 2014

Lazy lunch idea

Hello everyone! 
I can't believe it's already February! At least today is a lovely sunny day. 

I was home for lunch today, but with my boyfriend at work I'm never in the mood to cook something just for myself. So I decided to make grilled cheese/bread pizza. It's a very simple dish to put together, you probably have all the ingredients at home, and it only takes about 20 minutes. 

I used sliced thick bread, sieved tomato (passata), dry oregano, cheese and bacon.
First af all I cooked the bacon by itself under the grill, so it could let out all the fat, and I also trimmed off the fat on the side.
Then I took a couple of slices of white thick bread (today I used regular bread for toast and sandwiches, but you can use any kind of bread, it turns out really nice with a ciabatta or baguette) and poured over them quite a bit of passata. Then add the bacon, sprinkle some oregano, and grate some cheese on top. 
Cook in the oven for about ten minutes or until the cheese has melted, and there you go! Quick and easy grilled cheese/pizza type of thing, I don't really know how to call it! But it is really tasty and filling. Obviously you can use any kind of topping as you would with a real pizza: ham, mushrooms, grilled courgette or just plain tomato and cheese.

Let me know if you try this, or if you make the same lunch sometimes!

Alex x


  1. That looks delicious!
    Paper Dreams and Plastic Bags
    p.s. I've nominated for for a Liebster Award, check mine out to see the details

    1. Haha it was :)
      Aw why thank you! Will have to have a look!! xx
