Wednesday 5 February 2014

Valentines nails 2

Hello everyone!
Time is really flying by, so here I have the second Valentines mani idea for you!
It's again really simple, but very pretty and effective, you will get lots of compliments! Every time I draw something on my nails I get asked if I used stickers hehe :)
All you need for this mani is two or more different colours, and dotting tools, but you can use bobby pins if you don't have a dotting tool kit. I used to use bobby pins and they work fine, but I suggest getting dotting tools, they are really cheap from ebay and you get 5 double ended tools with 10 different sizes tips.

I always use a base coat before painting my nails. After my base coat was dry, I used one coat of this beautiful pink polish from Rimmel, called Strawberry Fizz. Something funny about this polish: when I bought it I didn't realise it is a scented polish, as it doesn't say anywhere on the front of the bottle or on the shelf in Boots, so the first time I used it I was very confused as I didn't expect it, and after checking the bottle carefully, I found a very tiny writing on the back that says it's scented. It smells really nice, like strawberry fizz! I find  the smell wears out after one day or two, but I still love it because I think it's the perfect shade of pink. And it's so pigmented that one coat is enough :)

When the pink was dry, I used this Seventeen metallic purple called Wicked to draw hearts on some of my nails. I think that pink and purple go so well together! Especially when it's a nice full pink like this one. 

When the hearts were dry, I finished the mani by applying top coat. 

I like this mani so much, I'm definitely going to do it again after Valentines Day!

Let me know if you try it and what colours would you use :)



  1. so pretty and perfect <3

  2. Thats so pretty! I love the colours, I wish I could do nail art but I just create big blobs! I cant believe its scented too, thats just amazing :)


    1. Thank you :) I used to be really bad at it, the secret is lots of practice! I still struggle doing my right hand though :( xx

  3. Beautiful nail art! ♥

  4. Such a pretty nail art !! love it !! Would you like to follow each other on GFC and on Bloglovin :) xx

    1. Thank you! And sure, I'm going to follow you right now :) xx

  5. wow these nails looks so pretty will take your advice on the dotting tools :)
    i am following you on gfc can you follow back hun xx
    Melissa x

    1. Thank you! And yes, I definitely recommend them if you're into nail art :) they're really cheap from ebay.
      I am following you on Bloglovin, will follow you back on gfc too :) xx

  6. This is a lovely manicure, I love tiny, tiny hearts :)
    I'm still thinking about something for Valentine's day but I'm not 100% sure... negative spaces, glequins or hearts?
    Have a nice Sunday

    1. Thank you :) All sound like lovely ideas, why not try them all and then pick your favourite to wear on the big day :)
      And thank you, you too! xx

    2. This is a brilliant idea... I'm going to try and master the negative space technique first because I'm curious!!! hehe I'll let you know how it comes :)

    3. I'm curious too, can't wait to see it :) xx
