Monday 3 February 2014

Liebster Award!

Hello everyone, I am so excited to have been nominated for the Liebster Award by the lovely Chloe after only one week of blogging! Thank you so much :)

Apparently it's a sort of tag thing that bloggers with less than 200 followers do to help each other getting visibility. 

So the rules of this Award are:
  • Write 11 facts about yourself.
  • Answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you. 
  • Create 11 new questions
  • Nominate 11 bloggers and tag them in your post 

I am going to follow the order of the list. so here are the 11 facts about myself!
  1. I have a strange obsession for notebooks, diaries etc. I just love blank books and I have so many!
  2. My favourite food ever is pizza.
  3. I love flowers - real, fake, fresh, dry, printed.
  4. I HATE the colour green but one of my favourite colours is teal/turquoise which is not that far from green..
  5. I love to be by the sea in winter.
  6. I hate singing and dancing, only because I have no skills lol.
  7. I have been to 9 Countries so far.
  8. I would love to visit New York.
  9. My favourite American Horror Story season is the first one.
  10. I still watch The Simpsons!
  11. I would go see a band rather than clubbing any time.

The questions Chloe has given me are the following:

1. What or who inspired you to start your blog?
The truth is that I wanted to start a Youtube channel, but I am way too self conscious to start talking to myself in front of a camera! So my boyfriend told me a blog could be a good idea. Also I love writing. And my friends don't have such an interest in beauty and fashion, so I wanted to share these interests with someone else.

2. What is one beauty product that you couldn't live without?
Definitely mascara! And lip balm.

3. Would you rather live without lipstick or nail polish?
This one is quite hard, I love lipsticks, especially matte ones, but really I wear nail polish a lot more than I do lipsticks. 

4. Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
I don't know haha! My life has changed so much in the last 5 years that it's hard to imagine how it will be like in 10! But hopefully married to my boyfriend :)

5. Shoes or handbags?
I love both, but I definitely can't resist a new pair of shoes!

6. Do you have any unusual talents?
Mmh, I am good at guessing what time it is! 

7. Favourite band/artist. 

8. Can you play any musical instruments, if so, what do you play and how long have you been playing it? If not, would you like to learn to play any?
I can play the recorder if that counts lol! It would be cool to be able to play guitar and the piano.

9. Do you collect anything? 
Blank notebooks and diaries, blankets, and teddy bears.

10. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be an artist, specifically a painter :)

11. Favourite book.
It's usually the one I'm reading at the moment, in which case it's 1984.

And here are the 11 questions for the people I tag:
  1. Why and when did you start blogging?
  2. What's your favourite clothing item and why?
  3. Dresses or trousers?
  4. Dream job.
  5. Would you rather go to the cinema or stay home with a book?
  6. Nude lipstick or red lipstick?
  7. Do you collect anything?
  8. The city or the countryside?
  9. What can't you live without?
  10. It's your day off: would you rather lay in or get up early to work out?
  11. Favourite band/artist?

The 11 bloggers I tag are:

Lucy Amelia -


  1. AH this is great! I love it! Thanks for tagging me :D
    I'll do mine shortly and then tag you back xo
    Natalie ( <3

  2. such a lovely post!

    from helen at

    ps. there's a high-end skincare giveaway on my blog, click here!

  3. Aw thankyou so much for nominating me! I'm definitely going to write this up tomorrow - will be sure to link you over so ya can see it!!

    I agree, I could not live without mascara and the obsession with notebooks and diaries is completely justified, I have the same infatuation with stationary..paperchase is an absolute haven x

    flawedfairytale fashion blog

    1. Omg yes! I love Paperchase! I'm glad I'm not the only one with that obsession haha :)
      Can't wait to read your entry!

      Alex xx

  4. here's my response:

    :) enjoy and keep in touch!

    Natalie (

    1. Thank you Natalie, will go read it right now!
      Yes, definitely, I am new here but I am enjoying chatting to new people from all over the World xx

  5. I work in Paperchase so I definitely understand the obsession with NoteBooks!!

    Kelly from | Day Dreams & Daisy Chains

  6. Thank you for nominating me! I would always choose going to see a band over clubbing too :) I use to always like buying notebooks but I never want to write in them lol!


  7. Haha, that's exactly how I am about notebooks :) glad to know there's someone else that does it!
    No problem, looking forward to reading through your post xx
